Posted on Fri 15 Sep 2017 at 19:43 by
Euan Morrison
It’s been all hands to the pump at the SU these last few weeks so apologies for not keeping you all in the loop recently!
The most imminent event is, of course, Welcome Week. It’s going to be a busy week but I can’t wait. We have loads going on at the SU during Welcome Week. We have a range of events on during the day including the Employability Fair, Welcome Fair and the Sports and Societies Fair. These are great opportunities to find work or to get involved while you are a student at Worcester. We also have some evening events on in the Bar! From Bavarian Night to a Quiz Night the SU has something for you. Look out for Me, Jade and Sophie! We will be attending as many of the events as our bodies will manage and can’t wait to see you there!
It’s also great to see that this year our link with the Residential Ambassadors is stronger than ever and Sophie has been working very closely with them to set up some exciting events. If you are moving into halls make sure you get to know your RA and look out for these events!
Of course, I am writing this at the end of our early starters second week. This year The Hanger hosted a number of events for those starting early. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it but it was great to hear that it went down really well with the new students. I’ve met some of you in our induction talks and it’s been great having people back on campus. I hope you have enjoyed your time here so far and make sure you get involved in all our festivities this week!
This week I also met the International Students who have arrived. To you guys Welcome to Worcester! I am sure you will love it as much as I did!
Our sports and societies received their training this week. A big hand has to go to Sophie G, Eleanor, Tim, Lyndsey, and Hannah. It was a really successful first conference and I’m sure it will be a permeant fixture in the years to come. The committees learned a lot and hopefully will be more effective than ever!
On Monday we also hosted our first ever Staff Open Day. The day was aimed at members of University Staff that would like to know more about what the SU does. It was great to see so many members of staff attend and ask questions. Thank you to everyone who attended!
And finally, a big SU hello goes out to our two newest members of staff Jodie and Lyndsey! Jodie will be our new Student Voice Assistant and Lyndsey will be covering Hannah’s role while she is away. I look forward to working with both of them in the future!