Posted on Wed 14 Jun 2017 at 09:02 by
Kate Holland
First and foremost, thank you so much for re-electing me to be your Student Union President! I have worked very hard over this last year to fulfil everything I set out to do in my manifesto and am pleased to say that I have done so. I have to thank everyone in the SU as they have been so supportive and helpful over the last year. Helping facilitate our aims as well as ensuring we move forward as an organisation. I am very excited to work with Euan and Sophie this year, although I will be very sad to see James and Hemaka leave (though hopefully the office won't smell of sports kit anymore)! When running for re-election, I based my manifesto on things I have learnt and seen myself over the last academic year. This is why I thought my points were relevant and necessary to our student body to increase student satisfaction and enhance the student experience.
I want to ensure that students who are studying professional courses (nursing, teaching, midwifery and paramedics) have the best experience possible. They have different needs compared to our other students and they spend the majority of their time on placements and in a more professional environment. We need to make sure that we are facilitating their needs and improving our relationship so we can try to get them involved with the Union, but in a way they want to get involved.
Similarly, students based at city campus tend to have a very different experience compared to those based on St. John's. I want to continue to lobby the University to provide better social space for students based at City and ensure the SU has a consistent presence on this site. It is so important that there is no segregation between sites and we need to make sure that we can do whatever is in our power to ensure this doesn’t continue to happen.
Employability is also a big one for me. This year I have created a booklet on application form guidance and look to do one next year on interview skills/tips. This is done in collaboration with the University careers department and something we both want to look to see grow and develop in the future. The big plan is to create an online portal for students to seek guidance on all aspects of employability so that when they leave Worcester with their degrees, they are in the best place possible and ready to enter the world of work in an appropriate and professional manner.
As well as these, I really want to continue to run general welfare campaigns over the next academic year. Focusing largely on Mental Health but being sure to include others aspects such as student safety, anti-bullying and sexual health campaigns. Students are continuing to have building pressures and expectations and so it is important we can be there for them as much as possible and provide the best level of support to them.
Once again, thank you so much for allowing me another year in this position and I promise to complete everything I have proposed to do! As always, if you ever need anything over the next academic year please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can pop into the SU for a chat or drop me a line at Have a great summer y’alllllll!
