Hello there!

Representing and supporting students to develop and achieve

Tayla Elson - Women's Officer

Your Women's Officer

Hello! I thought I should start with a short introduction about myself! My name it Tayla, I am 21 years old and currently a first year studying BSc Geography! I am passionate about nature and would love a career in nature journalism and photography! 

I chose to stand as the Student's Union Women's Officer because I feel that it is really important for voices to be heard, and for there to be a strong represensentation of groups at the university. I am working on a variety of projects within the university in order to promote, encourage and support the female students here. 

The most significant (at this current stage) is the setting up of The Women's Committee, which will be a pro-active society that will enable students to confer and voice their issues, and help myself to personally see that these are acted upon. If you are interested (as this society is still currently in the process of being set up!) you can either email me at: elst1_16@uni.worc.ac.uk or you can join our Facebook group! 

I will try and keep this space updated as often as I can to let you know what I have been up to across the University and of any new things you could be looking out for! 

Ta-ra for now! 

