We want to actively educate ourselves and others about consent, and help build a respectful, safe, and inclusive community here at Worcester. Consent is about respecting the boundaries and autonomy of others. And it's not always just about sexual consent. Consent is needed across all interactions with others where you might be having an impact on their personal boundaries.
Last year, your VPSA for 2023/24, Issy, held a consent awareness week from Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November. The campaign encouraged positive conversations around consent, educated students and staff on all aspects of consent, and has provided the University of Worcester community with the knowledge and confidence to speak out against unacceptable behaviours and actions.
Over the course of the week, we hosted a number of workshops, training, and activities, and pop-up information stalls across our campuses.
Take a look at our Post Consent Campaign Week Report by clicking here.
This report debriefs on the success and overall look at the campaign. Thanks to everyone who got involved, spread the message and continue to do so!
Further information and signposting
Firstpoint can provide you with useful information and signposting on the support available to you as a Worcester student. They are open Monday to Friday, 9am - 4.30pm. To get in touch, visit the Firstpoint desk in the Peirson building, email firstpoint@worc.ac.uk, or phone the team on 01905 542551.
Support, Triage, Advice, Referral (STAR) Appointments
STAR appointments are open to all students and provide quick access to a trained professional who can help with emotional, psychological, or mental health issues. Appointments are available Monday-Friday, 9am-4.30pm, and can be booked through First Point.
To book an appointment through their online calendar, click here.
UoW Reporting Tool
Students can report any incidents of sexual violence, harassment, or misconduct through the University’s online reporting tool. The tool gives you the option to report and speak to an advisor, or submit a report anonymously.
To access the UoW Reporting Tool, click here.
SU Help & Advice Service
The Help & Advice team offers a free, independent, confidential, and impartial advice service. Appointments can be made via our Advice Enquiry Form. Nothing you tell us will be shared with any other organisation or individual without your express permission, however there are rare occasions where a breach of confidentiality may be deemed necessary.
To find out more about the SU Help & Advice service, click here.
Ask for Angela
If you students begin to feel uncomfortable with someone in Tramps or The Hangar, and want to be safely removed from the situation, remember that you can head to the bar and ask for 'Angela'. Our staff have been trained to help you out in these situations and ensure you are safe.
Other organisations
There are a range of organisations and charities in the UK that can provide you with further support and guidance. These include:
- The Glade – https://www.theglade.org.uk/
- Rape Crisis – https://rapecrisis.org.uk/
- Survivors UK – https://www.survivorsuk.org/