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Tue 25th February

SU Elections - Candidate Question Time
noon - 1:30pm
The Hangar, Worcester
Get to know your candidates for President, Vice President Education, and Vice President Student Activities in this year's SU Elections.
WSU Leadership Elections: Candidate Question Time
noon - 1:30pm
The Hangar
This is your opportunity to meet the candidates running for the positions of SU President, Vice President Education and Vice President Student Activities.

Fri 28th February

SU Elections - Results Night
7pm - 11:30pm
The Hangar, Worcester
Find out who has been elected as your new SU President, Vice President Education, and Vice President Student Activities.

Wed 5th March

College Learning, Teaching & Quality Enhancement Sub Committee (ECS)
1:15pm - 4:15pm
College of Education Culture and Society (ECS) College Learning, Teaching & Quality Enhancement Sub Committee meeting, commonly referred to as CLTQE.

Mon 17th March

Rep Forum - Semester 2
4:30pm - 6pm
EE 1102
Department Representatives attend to discuss various different feedback they have gained in their role.

Tue 18th March

Student Council (3)
5:15pm - 7:15pm
St Johns Campus (EE G132)
Student Council is the Union's highest representative body, meeting at least four times a year.

Thu 20th March

Rep Forum - Semester 2
1pm - 2:30pm
CH G011
Department Representatives attend to discuss various different feedback they have gained in their role.