The University of Worcester offers a package of support to students to improve the quality of their academic writing. Below, you will find information to support you in developing your academic writing.
For guidance on how to improve your academic performance, Firstpoint have developed the following document ‘Improving your academic performance’.
Our advisors are not academic staff and cannot advise students on improving work, referencing and proofreading. The places you can get support are listed below.
The service provides support with subject-specific referencing standards. To book an appointment, email
The Study Skills webpages offer advice to help students to plan and carry out coursework and assessments.
RLF Academic Writers in Residence offer confidential, one-to-one advice on academic writing.
Library Services at The Hive
The Library Service run Discovery Sessions which are online workshops on a range of subjects including referencing, finding information and evaluating what you find.
The Programme Advisory Service assists students in the planning and registration of their programmes of study.
Personal Academic Tutor
Your PAT is there to support your academic development and help you face challenges linked to your studies. Find out who your PAT is on your SOLE page.
To find out more about what your PAT can do to support you, look at the university's PAT policy.
Course Reps
A Course Rep is a student who represents student academic views and concerns. Find out who your Course Rep is on your SOLE page.
Based at the Jenny Lind Building on City Campus, the Centre for Academic and English Skills can give you practical advice on how to improve your English or your skills in other modern foreign languages.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information contained on the Help & Advice webpages is both current and accurate. However, information within these pages is subject to change without prior notice. Please seek professional guidance for the latest information. Any advice given by members of staff is based on the information available and to the best of their knowledge. No liability can be accepted for any errors or misleading information. Please note the Help & Advice service is a member of AdviceUK.