Withdrawing from university is a big step. It is very important that you do more than simply stop attending.
Before you withdraw, it is important that you have considered your options and are well-informed to make the best decision for your future. If you are unhappy with your course or subject, we can support you with making a Formal Complaint or you can apply to change your degree pathway.
If you are struggling to balance your studies and other commitments, there are some other options you could try first.
There may be serious financial implications if you withdraw from your studies. It may be that you have received a Student Finance overpayment and will have to repay some of your loan. Further information is available from Finance.
If you have been withdrawn from your studies by the university and would like to appeal the decision, please read the Appeals section.

Where can I get support?
For independent advice, book an appointment with a SU advisor here.
See their useful guide on the steps you should take before withdrawing. Visit Firstpoint to book to see the below support services.
Personal Academic Tutor (PAT)
Speaking with your PAT is a good first step if you are considering permanently or temporarily withdrawing from your studies.
Programme Adviser
The Programme Advisory Service assists students in the planning and registration of programmes of study, including advice on the selection of modules, and changing subjects or pathways. Student can book appointments via Firstpoint or by calling the Programme Advice Line: 01905 542727
Careers Advisers
For advice on applying for jobs, vocational studies or changing University.
If you are living in university accommodation, you will be liable for rent until you return your keys and officially leave the university.
If you are living in private rented accommodation, you are usually liable for your rent until the end of your contract unless you can find a replacement tenant.
For more advice see our housing advice pages.
Money Advice
The Money Advisers can offer guidance on financial issues. If you are struggling with your finances, you may be able to apply for the hardship fund (however, if you permanently withdraw you cannot apply for this).
When you permanently withdraw from studies you will become liable for Council Tax. However, you may also become eligible for other benefits.
You can find out more information on how withdrawing impacts your finances from Money Advice.
How to formally withdraw
To make sure you are formally withdrawn, you need to complete the online withdrawal from study form. You can find the link on your SOLE page under the 'Course Information’ tab.
At certain times of the year SOLE may ask you to 're-enrol' before you can withdraw. To enable you to use the online process you may need to contact studentrecords@worc.ac.uk for them to amend your student record.
What can the Worcester Students’ Union do to help me?
The Help & Advice service at the Students’ Union can support students through the process of withdrawing from studies. We offer free, impartial, and confidential appointments to all students at the University and can explain the process, next steps and accompany you to any meetings. If you would like support, book an advisor appointment.
The Help & Advice service is confidential - nothing you tell us will be shared with the University of Worcester or any other organisation or individual without your permission. There are rare occasions where a breach of confidentiality may be deemed necessary. A breach of confidentiality will only occur if staff have evidence to believe that someone is at risk of harm and abuse. Further details can be found in our Confidentiality Policy. If a decision is made to breach confidentiality, the client will be informed in advance of the breach.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information contained on the Help & Advice webpages is both current and accurate. However, information within these pages is subject to change without prior notice. Please seek professional guidance for the latest information. Any advice given by members of staff is based on the information available and to the best of their knowledge. No liability can be accepted for any errors or misleading information. Please note the Help & Advice service is a member of AdviceUK.