At the Worcester Student’s Union, we understand the importance of students having secure, safe, and decent accommodation whether in University Halls or in the private sector.
We understand that where you live can have a big impact on your studies and wellbeing. The Help & Advice service offers advice on housing and accommodation throughout the year to all students registered at the university.
We’ve created a housing guide to provide essential information, guidance, and advice on renting in the private sector during your time at university.
Read our Housing Guide (pdf)
Read an accessible text version of our guide

To find out more about housing and accommodation while at University of Worcester and where you can find help, you can browse the following webpages or book an appointment with an advisor.
The Help & Advice service is confidential - nothing you tell us will be shared with the University of Worcester or any other organisation or individual without your permission. There are rare occasions where a breach of confidentiality may be deemed necessary. A breach of confidentiality will only occur if staff have evidence to believe that someone is at risk of harm and abuse. Further details can be found in our Confidentiality Policy. If a decision is made to breach confidentiality, the client will be informed in advance of the breach.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information contained on the Help & Advice webpages is both current and accurate. However, information within these pages is subject to change without prior notice. Please seek professional guidance for the latest information. Any advice given by members of staff is based on the information available and to the best of their knowledge. No liability can be accepted for any errors or misleading information. Please note the Help & Advice service is a member of AdviceUK.