Being part of #TeamWorc is a privilege that should not be denied to anybody. We always try to be more inclusive by making #TeamWorc more welcoming, minimising barriers to participation and providing a wide range of opportunities to a diverse range of members.
The role of all committee members, and especially the Vice Chair Inclusivity and Promotions is to proactively make their club or society more inclusive in order to create a welcoming environment for everyone. Committee members are often a first point of contact for members seeking support, meaning your roles are all an important one. Therefore, the following information should provide you with some information and guidance for carrying out your role as best as you can.
Why do we need to ensure we are being more inclusive?
Evidence shows that students from certain communities (LGBTQ+, BAME, disabled etc.) are under-represented in University engagement groups. The reasons for this are multi-faceted and is not necessarily helped by the culture that University sport and interest groups can sometimes display. These groups are also under-represented here at Worcester and therefore it is important that #TeamWorc is proactively open and welcoming to all students.
Happy Members/New Members.
By removing barriers to participation, you can recruit and retain more members, which will help make your club or society more sustainable and achieve better results.
Gain and develop a wide range of practical skills and experience that will make you more employable.
Be introduced and involved with more students during your time at Worcester and make your experience even more enriching.
Your inclusive practice will make your club or society stand out, and show your commitment to constantly improve the experience of your members.
Your club is likely already doing things to be more inclusive without even knowing it! But even if not, just a few small changes could put your club or society well on its way. Being inclusive is not simply doing one thing or gesture, it is about committing to continuously improving and reviewing actions put in place to further improve and benefit members.
For ideas on how you can become more inclusive within your sports club or society, click on the areas below: