Every student has the right to live and study in a safe and supportive environment. We want to put a stop to all forms of violent, coercive, and discriminatory behaviour, because it’s #NeverOK.
We’re proud of the community we have at Worcester, but we know that violence, coercion, and discrimination happen throughout society, even on campus. Through our #NeverOK campaign we want to raise awareness of unacceptable behaviour, and how we can all take a stand and speak out against it.
We’re encouraging all Worcester students to commit to our pledge, and speak out against harmful and unacceptable behaviours:
As #TeamWorc we sign this pledge to display courage, and to stand up against sexism and all forms of sexual and interpersonal violence. We will not stay silent. If we see something, we will say something. We understand that our silence encourages others to believe that we condone their harmful words, beliefs, and behaviours. We will challenge others, and hold them accountable for their words and actions that are #NeverOK
University support and procedures
The University has support available for any student that has experienced any form of sexual and interpersonal violence. Click on the links below to access information on the services and support available to you.
- Student Support and Wellbeing
- Counselling and Mental Health
- University Chaplaincy
The University Security Team is on campus and available 24-7. You can contact them via 01905 855495.
If a crime has been committed, you must always contact the police straight away.
Extra Resources and Information
The Consent is Everything website has a wide range of information on sexual consent, what it is, and how you can be sure you have it - http://www.consentiseverything.com/
The NHS Let’s Talk About It website offers information and resources around consent and abusive relationships - https://www.letstalkaboutit.nhs.uk/other-services/sexual-assault/consent/
The Disrespect Nobody website has a range of resources around abusive and coercive behaviour - https://www.disrespectnobody.co.uk/