Full Time Officers 2024-25
Your Full-Time Officers are elected by students for the benefit of students. They are here to make sure your voice is heard within the University and to help you make the most out of your time here.
Our current Officers were elected by you in the March 2024 elections and will lead the SU for the 2024-25 academic year. Each Officer has different responsibilities within the SU, but they all work together to ensure your time at University is the best it can possibly be. Together they make up the Union's Executive Committee. The Executive Committee decide on the direction of the Union and its day-to-day representative activities.
Ruttuja Mane - Students' Union President
Ruttuja is the lead representative of Worcester Students' Union and champions the rights, welfare, and diversity of all our students.
Throughout their time in office, Ruttuja will be working to ensure our students are empowered, and will campaign and speak up for the issues that really matter to you.
Elliot Atkinson - Vice President Education

Elliot takes the lead on educational quality issues for the SU and ensures its members' interests are represented.
Elliot will be spending their time in office working with Course Reps and Department Reps to feedback to lecturers and the University to make sure you get the best possible experience on your course.
Jack Lambert - Vice President Student Activities
Jack is responsible for sports, societies, volunteering, and fundraising at the SU. They are here to support students in the extra-curricular aspects of their University experience.
Over the 2024-25 academic year, Jack wants get as many of you as possible involved with the Students’ Union and the great opportunities we have here.