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About Us

 It doesnt matter if it's your first run or you are training for a marathon, everyone is welcome in the Social Running Club!  

 This is a mixed ability running club, and we aim to promote running for all!

We plan to meet once a week at minimum and our runs will be based of what our members are available to do!

Becoming a member will provide you with,

  • Access to Join the pre-planned runs organised by the Committee/ Run Leads.
  • All Members will have an opinion on where and when the runs take place; the distance of the runs; the theme of the run (different colours, seasonal, holidays);and what activity we do afterwards.
  • All Members will have an opportunity to become a Run Lead and assit the Committee with organising and 'leading' the runs. 
  • All members will have access to the Members Whatsapp group where you'll will be able to find other like minded runners to organise your own runs outside the club pre-planned runs. 
  • You will be sent an invite to our Members Strava Group, where Information regarding runs will also be shared as well as providing another space for members to share their own runs.
  • Members will be able to join us on our planned socials. We hope to have regular coffee mornings, cocktail/ wine nights and Themed nights on Worcester Wednesdays.

We will have Give It A Go Fun Runs available throughout the year for those unsure to give the club a try!



We do expect everyone to make themselves familiar with our Health and Safety before joining us on a run, this is all stated below.

Health and Safety Information 

  • Please dress accordingly with the weather (thermals, jumpers etc.. for cold weather/ sun lotion, hats etc. for hot weather)
  • Be aware of pedestrians- move into single file when in a congested area.
  • Make sure you're clearly visible for the run, especially during evening/ night runs. We can loan hi-vis bands (limited availability)
  • If you need to step onto the road please be aware of oncoming traffic.
  • If on the road please keep to the right so traffic is oncoming
  • We ask ALL participants to download CallMy Alert ( - this allows you to get in touch with group incase you get lost.
  • The decision to run will be left to the discretion of the individual.
  • You should not run if you have an injury.
  • Please ensure you are sufficently hydrated for the run (bring water bottles, drink before, hydration gels, etc..) 
  • Please follow the process if an injury does occur; If injured are able to move without inflicting more pain lead will assist them to campus security/ first aid; If injured is unable to move they should not be left alone, and UoW security should be called for assistance; if an emergency call 999. 

Committee Membership


Check back soon for more events

No elections are currently running
