About Us

Do you want to Adopt the African and Caribbean Society?

We're looking for students to Adopt a Club or Soc and help keep some of our Student Groups running.

Some of our sports clubs and societies have had a tough year and unfortunately don't have enough committee members to keep going next academic year. You can help change this by adopting a student group and creating a committee.

Many of our sports clubs and societies already have everything in place (even including money in the bank) for a new committee to step in and take up the reigns. All you need is enthusiasm to help get our student groups back on their feet and get students involved in some of the fantastic opportunities available to them.

If you have any questions about any of the societies or clubs involved in Adopt a Club or Soc, please get in touch with your Vice President Student Activities, Jack Lambert jack.lambert@worc.ac.uk

More information about the African and Caribbean Society

The African Caribbean Society are all about celebrating and educating culture who welcome anyone and everyone from any background, not just those with African/Caribbean heritage.

The society meet up on an evening and aim to provide activities, trips, networking events and other things that their members are interested in. 

The society also acts as a point of contact for  members, where they will be supported with any issues or concerns they may have or may be encountering at University. 

Look at what the previous members of the society got up to on their instagram - UoW African Caribbean Society (@worcester_acs) • Instagram photos and videos


Check back soon for more events

No elections are currently running
