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We have reached Bronze Status for 2024-25! (for more information about the TeamWorc Points Accrediation Scheme click here

More information about the Business Society?

By joining this society you can make new friends, join our exciting events and be part of a group of likeminded individuals! The society welcomes everyone, so whatever course your doing, if you have a passion for business, this is a perfect society for you!

The Business Society are an academic society that aims to:

  • Work with all Business students and likeminded individuals to develop a network for future careers.
  • Develop student’s knowledge of a range of areas by listening to guest speakers and businesses
  • Work with the local community, University team and student’s union to plan and hold events
  • Engage in debate to develop our understandings of current topics and events and hear each other’s viewpoints.

Look at what the Business Society got up to on their instagram -

Committee Membership


Check back soon for more events

No elections are currently running
