Voice your opinion and discuss current topics in our society. If you have any questions, please find us on our public or private Facebook page!
Welcome to the Debate Society's page!
Debate is committed to finding topics to discuss, and creating an open and friendly atmosphere in which to debate them! If you have a passion for discussion and freethinking, then this is a society that you'll surely love. We meet once a week and would love to see you there. If you have any questions then please email us.
Membership is only £15 for a full year and £10 for one semester. Membership fee will go towards any travel expenses, debate and social events, guest speakers and end of semester/year celebrations! We allow new members to attend three session before we ask them to pay their membership fee.
Feel free to email any of the committee if you have any questions.
Follow us on social media to find out more of where we are and what we are doing @worcdebate on instagram and message us for more information.
Link to socials:
Instagram - @worcdebate
Check back soon for more events