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Midwifery Society

The University of Worcester Midwifery Society is in its official 4th year as a society with the Students Union. The society allows student midwives and qualified midwives to enhance their knowledge and skills for their degree and for revalidation. Becoming a member of the society will give you discounts on upcoming events, and a group in which you can go to for support throughout your degree. 

Since starting, the society has offered a range of study days, with charities and guest speakers, including:

  • Aromatherapy 
  • Infant loss
  • Normal birth
  • APEC (Action on Pre-Eclampsia)
  • Continuity of Carer
  • and many more

As well as the range of academic events that we hold, we also aim to have a bit of fun. This allows us to get together across years and cohorts to spend some time together away from our learning. We have had events such as:

  • 'Scribble' Social
  • Christmas fancy dress socials
  • End of year parties
  • Karaoke nights
  • Coffee meets

Alongside this, we support charities in our field, and over the past three years have raised money for Worcester and Hereford's bereavement suites. We have raised money through cake sales, charity quiz nights and other means.

Our aim as a society for this upcoming year is for all of our student midwives at the University of Worcester to have an equal opportunity to go to our events, making them accessible for February and September students to enhance our learning, to continue with social events such as socials and extra-curricular activities.

This year our chosen charities include:

Libby maes little angels

Becoming Families

Petals- providing baby loss counselling.


How to be involved:

We will hold committee meetings regularly which will be advertised on the instagram group with prior notice. The committee meetings are a great way in which you can get your voice across, and can give us ideas for study days or events that you want to happen. You do not need to be a committee member to come to the meetings. 

All of our academic events and social events will be advertised on the University of Worcester MidSoc instagram page as part of a poll.

Our events run on a first come, first served basis. So, if you are interested and want to come to an event, it is best that you book on when it becomes advertised.

If anyone has any queries, please do not hesitiate to contact us on any of our social media platforms. We will aim to reply as soon as we can. We hope to see as many of you at our events this year. Good luck!!


Check back soon for more events

Midwifery Activities Election 2025

Midwifery Activities Election 2025

5 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 22:00 on Thursday 27 March 2025 (in 38 hours)
