Strategic Theme One
Encouraging and supporting students to prioritise their wellbeing
- We will be proactive in finding out what is worrying or concerning our students, without overburdening them.
- We will support students to access help and advice.
- We will facilitate extra-curricular opportunities that enhance students wellbeing.
Strategic Theme Two
Understanding students’ financial realities and reflecting that in what we do
- We will keep the cost to students of getting involved with our activities and services to a minimum wherever and however we can.
- We will support students in their efforts towards employability and make it clear how getting involved with the SU develops them as people and as leaders.
- We will work with the University to ensure value for money across their services and facilities.
Strategic Theme Three
Empowering students to have their say
- We will support students to engage in things that affect them and wider society.
- We will go out to where students are and not wait for them to come to us, being present and listening to their experiences.
- We will emphasise our independence from the University, ensuring we challenge them based on our students’ feedback and experiences, whilst continually demonstrating to our students how and where we will represent them.
Strategic Theme Four
Making sure our diverse student body is represented
- We will understand and learn about the diversity of our students so we can support and represent them.
- We will ensure Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is central to all we do, working to an informed action plan each year and keeping our members updated.
- We will deliver activities and events that are accessible and that appeal to different students.
Strategic Theme Five
Building connected student communities where students feel they belong
- We will be highly visible to our student body and be a ‘home from home’ through physical and online spaces.
- We will help and enable students to build communities that benefit them and their University experience.
- We will provide environments for students to have positive interactions with each other and learn new things.