Trips and Events
Your Network is able to run trips and hold events right through the year. This can be a trip as part of a campaign or even an event that you hope will raise awareness about a topic your network is campaigning about... or even just a good excuse for you to catch up and have a great time with all your members!
Event and Trip Forms
- Event/ trip request form - we ask for this form to be completed 14 working days before you want to advertise the event or trip
If you event or trip includes organised travel please see the following forms:
Here are some aditional forms you may need to complete depending on your event:
Room Booking
Please contact us to book rooms! You can either contact Ruttuja Mane (SU President) on ruttuja.mane@worc.ac.uk or Olivia Williams (Team Administrator) on olivia.williams2@worc.ac.uk
Documents and Factsheets
For further help running a Network or event or trip, please email Ruttuja Mane (ruttuja.mane@worc.ac.uk).