What is a Course Rep?
A Course Rep is a student who has been elected by their peers to represent their cohort's academic views and concerns. Course Reps represent their peers by listening to their views and concerns and then sharing this information with staff who can then take action by making any appropriate and necessary changes. Course Reps also play an important role in closing something called the 'feedback loop' by working with staff to ensure that their peers are made aware of the impact that their feedback has had.
You can find the full role description here.
How do I become a Course Rep?

Your Course Leader will organise a Course Rep Elections by the end of week 4 of your academic calendar. This is the case for all students in every year of study (both undergraduates and postgraduates), regardless of course. If you are thinking of standing for the role, we recommend that you speak to your Course Leader before the Course Rep Elections take place. During the Election, candidates will explain why they would like to take on the role and then your course mates will vote by way of secret ballot.
If you have any questions or if you are not sure who your Course Leader is, please email us at studentreps@worc.ac.uk.

Why should I become a Course Rep?
You will be a key representation figure in your univeristy. You will be a key communicator between both staff and students, ensuring that student representation, engagement and democracy is at the core of your university experience. You will also be learning a whole host of transferable skills (head over to this page for more details) that will come in handy for any job application and will look great on the CV. Transferable skills include negotiation, meeting etiquette, presentation, communication, team work, and the list goes on! But don't take our word for it, our Course Reps will tell you themselves...