Student representation doesn’t just end with the Course Rep, representation exists throughout the University’s decision making processes so no matter where staff are within the system they have a role to play. For a full guide on how the system works and how staff can interact within the system (including information for Course Leaders) please see our Staff Handbook.
Staff Resources:
Staff Handbook (2024-25)
Academic Representation System Code of Practice
Election of Course Reps Guidance for Course Leaders
How to Upload Course Reps on SOLE
Course Rep Recruitment Animation
Course Rep Self Nomination Template
An Introduction to Course Reps Presentation
Joint Honours Guidance
Every School has a named member of academic staff with responsibility for supporting the Department Reps and Course Reps within that School. They are our Academic Representation Coordinators (ARCs) and Course Rep Coordinators. Their contacts can be found below:
ARC Contact List
Academic Representation and Oversight Group (AROG)
AROG is a joint SU/University group that oversees the rep system and reports directly into both LTSEC and the SU Student Council. It is responsible for ensuring effective delivery of the rep scheme, monitoring its effectiveness and supporting the staff who deliver it. It will also review and make any final decisions on requests from courses and/or Schools to alter their representation structure/depart from the Code of Practice’s guidelines and acts as Returning Officer for all Course Rep Elections
You can contact AROG at
Worcester Students' Union