Please click here if you are looking for Network Committee Training.
Committee Handover - May 2024
Please see Handover Checklist and Summer Tasks List here.
CommitteeFest 2024
We are pleased to launch the details for this year's Committee Training for Clubs and Societies.
Committee Training will take a blended approach. There are online modules to complete over the summer and you will attend an in-person training event. The final plans and dates are still being confirmed but the in-person training will take place on Friday 6th September and Monday 9th September - you only need to attend on one of the days! You will be contacted closer to the time about which day to attend.
Online Training
The first part of your Committee Training is to undertake a series of online modules. The list below shows what modules we are offering, with mandatory and optional modules listed for each role. We encourage you to complete any other role-specific modules that you think may be relevant to your responsibilities.
Following each module, there will be link to a completion confirmation form for you to fill out to confirm that you have completed the module. Please ensure you complete this form, otherwise we have no other record of whether you have completed it or not and will be unable to update your training log.
10 TeamWorc Points will be awarded to each club and society who have all 3 of their core committee members (Chair, Vice Chair Finance and Admin, and Vice Chair Inclusivity and Promotions) complete their mandatory online modules before the Friday 16th August deadline.
For new clubs and societies that are set up during the year, you will be given a deadline for when your committee training modules should be completed.
To access each module please click on the module title.
Vice Chair Finance and Admin
Vice Chair Inclusivity and Promotions
Social Secretary
Other Committee Roles
In-Person Training
In addition to your online modules, there will be in-person training on St John’s Campus at the beginning of September. This will include RAG Training, Social Sec Training, and other important sessions.
Please build this into your summer plans now as it is vital that as many people as possible attend these sessions. Confirmed dates and training schedules will be released as soon as they are ready.
If you have any questions about your Committee Training please email:
Barney Blake - b.blake@worc.ac.uk (BUCS Sport Administrator)