Our Trustee Board
The Trustee Board is ultimately responsible for governing the affairs of the SU and making sure that it is sustainable – strategically and financially - and meeting its charitable objectives at all times. It ensures regulatory and legal compliance and monitors the performance of the Chief Executive and staff team. It makes key decisions on the overall SU’s strategy and direction and ensures that everything the SU does is in the interest of Worcester students. The Board delegates responsibilities to the Chief Executive, Student Council, and also to its Sub Committees that focus on
- Finance
- HR and Remuneration
- Appointments (to the Board)
The Board consists of:
- The 3 Elected Full Time Officers – the President, Vice President Education and Vice President Student Activities
- Up to 4 Student Trustees – any current student of the University of Worcester can apply for these positions
- Up to 4 External Trustees – people who come from outside of the SU and University with skills and expertise in certain areas e.g. finance, HR, Students’ Unions, Higher Education
The Chief Executive attends the Board to provide regular reports and updates on progress against the SU’s strategic and operational plans and other members of staff are also present when needed e.g. the SU Finance and Commercial Manager.
Our Trustee Board currently consists of:
- Officer Trustees - Ruttuja Mane (President and Chair of the Board), Jack Lambert (VP Student Activities) and Elliot Atkinson (VP Education)
- Student Trustees - Tim Young and Liv Otterwell
- External Trustees – Beky Williams (Deputy Chair of the Board),Erica Burke and William Callaway, who all bring a wealth of knowledge around HR, finance, marketing, fundraising, sport, and the third (charity) sector.
Our Student Trustees give a crucial perspective on the Board and it is also a great experience for you – brilliant for your CV and you learn so much along the way. If you are interested in applying to be a Student Trustee please find more information here.
Trustees' Reports and Financial Statements
Please click on the links below for the Trustees' Reports and Financial Statements for previous academic years.
Minutes from Trustee Board Meetings: